Monday, January 25, 2010

You Gals

Coming Soon!


  1. ready set GO!!!
    after my 1st day ending with only 5803 steps (notice I gave the exact count, cause "ever step counts".) I started my morning differently, started with exercise.... after 30 mins i had 3023 steps!!! my goal is no less than 10k for the rest of my days. I work from home so i've learned that i have to intentionally "get this body moving"...thats my theme song as I stand in front of the mirror and walk/march/dance in place to increase my steps.

  2. Good morning all
    I am just getting all the information today I have been in MIA chilling and graduating and it was fun in the sun. Once I go today at lunch time to get a pedometer then I will start counting my steps from midday today until.
    This morning I ate an orange and some low sugar oatmeal (fiber) and I had 2 bottles of water thus fair.

  3. no excuse tammy j....end results must be 10k

  4. I will have my 10k today.. Headed out to get my pedometer right now..

  5. I have me pedometer, I am about to read the directions and place it on my side and COUNT AWAY..........

  6. Good morning Slow bloggers, well after a long day of back and forth, forth and back at 6:30pm I finally got a pretty okay pedometer and I ended up with 1,553 steps. So today I am going start and end up with my 5miles today..
    Get to steppin...........

  7. happy to report...I did it 10783 steps

  8. i want to share "the truth" because it has set me free. through toni's encouragement and suggestions i've learned that excersise is not wrapped up at the gym or on the walking trail. because we've had snow I've not been able to get out to walk, she suggested i turn the tv on find something i wanted to watch and run, walk in place around the house. again I had to "get this body moving" it worked

  9. Keep up the good work ladies! Happy stepping

  10. Morning, my steps for yesterday were 10,023. Thanks..
