Monday, May 3, 2010

The YOU Gals Sizzling Summer Slim down Challenge will be running from May 15, 2010 thru August 15, 2010. During this challenge you will work with your wellness coach to melt off pounds, trim your waistline, and prepare to bring sexy back for this upcoming summer.

To start off this challenge we recommend the following:

You: On A Diet: The Owner's Manual for Waist Management by Dr. Mehmet C. Oz & Dr. Michael Roizen

Measuring Tape
A willing mind
Close contact with your coach
How this Challenge will work:

We ask that each participant submit a recent photo, your current weight and waist measurements before May 15, 2010.

Each Monday you will submit your current waist and weight measurements to your coach throughout the 90 day challenge.

Each day you will submit your total steps to your coach. 10,000 steps is required for weight/waist loss.

At the half way mark (June 14th) we ask that you submit another current photo so that we can chart your progress.

Because we know that YOU have transformed your body and are sizzling hot you are invited to an "After" party, honoring YOU! At this party we invite you to come in for a make-up and photo session, so bring that new outfit displaying your new waistline or if you're daring enough bring along that new bathing suit and come ready to have a good time!

Have questions, need guidance or want to give up? Schedule time to chat with your coach so that we can get through this together. Please remember that we are here for each one of YOU and we understand the challenges involved in losing weight so don't be afraid to call or email us. We want each of you to be successful in your individual goals.

Things to remember:

Wear your pedometer every day all day because every step counts 1 mile is the equivalent of approximately 2000 steps.

Invest in a good pedometer. We recommend the OMRON brand

Drink plenty of water so that you stay hydrated. Drink a minimum of 64 ounces per day

If you are on medication for any reason please consult with your doctor throughout this process and monitor your blood pressure and/or blood sugar levels regularly as your medication needs may change as your body begins to shed those extra pounds.

Stay connected with your coach!
Want to participate in this challenge? Contact YOU Gal Stacy or YOU Gal Toni and sign up TODAY!


  1. OK, Toni, I'm very interested, but I need you to coach me on what and how to eat every single day. My desire to do this has more to do with my health then to look good, but we all want to look good, so that would be a PLUS for me. I deal with a tremendous about of stress every single day, so I do need a lot of help

  2. Hey truly trying! I'm here to help you. email me at so that we can get this done
