Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 6 - On the Run but Staying Consistent!

Day 6 was full of fun and family time! I started off with Nay Nay House (that’s what Skylar calls the sitter) as we did our annual consignment sale shopping. Then I came home and went to a birthday party at Monkey Joe’s (Happy 2nd birthday Darius!!) and then more fun with our Children’s Church Ministry at Skate Land where I skated for over an hour. I was ripping and running Saturday but sure to stay consistent.

Steps 10200
Activity: Walking and Roller Skating

Breakfast: 1 pack granola bar (Best option from Target)
More breakfast: 2 eggs with 2 tablespoons guacamole and roasted red pepper and goat cheese dip ½ cup oj
Snack: 100 pack almond/walnut mix & apple (had this while the kids had pizza and cake)
Lunch: Side salad and medium fruit cup w/water from Chic Fila
Snack: Dill pickle and water (at the skating ring)
Dinner: grilled chicken quesadilla w/gauc and red pepper dip (polished the rest off)
Snack: Fresh fruit salad

Beverage of choice: H20

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